Link To Directory

About Us

LinkTo.Directory was established in February of 2018 and developed by Interfuse LLC. The portal was created to help webmasters and online business garner more attention to their websites with little effort. In a world full of online directories, LinkTo.Directory stands out from the rest where the only requirement to become listed is to link to any page on LinkTo.Directory.

When traffic is detected from a website, it is logged into our system and information from the sending website is parsed and added to our searchable database of websites. This is our way of giving back to anyone who has given to us.

As the internet has evolved, so do technology and ideas. We look at LinkTo.Directory as the next big thing in search as it gives website owners with a smaller internet presence and overall footprint a chance to compete for valuable search traffic. At it’s core, LinkTo.Directory is entirely created by humans as websites are inserted dynamically by website owners who want their site listed in the search engine.

Our team has been developing websites since 1995 and is dedicated to bringing new ideas, projects and updates of all types. These focus of these projects is you, the end user and how we can brainstorm ideas and develop them from start to finish in order to assist you in your day to day routine.